Error message [Resolved]

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Error message [Resolved]

I have twice attempted to send an e-mail via the request info button on a volunteers record and received the error message in italics below. I would not normally use this button as I request more info when I import volunteers and that has been working correctly (I haven’t checked that today yet). The reason for using the other button was to resend an e-mail as the volunteer said the link was not working to update her information, is there any way that this can also be checked please as volunteers do say this from time to time, although for others it seems to be working correctly. I would be grateful for any info about this. I have e-mailed support but am also posting this on the forum to see if others have had a problem.

Thanks, Lorna.


An error occurred when CiviCRM attempted to send an email (via SMTP). If you received this error after submitting on online contribution or event registration - the transaction was completed, but we were unable to send the email receipt.

The mail library returned the following error message:
authentication failure [SMTP: Invalid response code received from SMTP server while sending email. This is often caused by a misconfiguration in Outbound Email settings. Please verify the settings at Administer CiviCRM >> Global Settings >> Outbound Email (SMTP). (code: 435, response: 4.7.8 Error: authentication failed: UGFzc3dvcmQ6)]

This is probably related to a problem in your Outbound Email Settings (Administer CiviCRM » System Settings » Outbound Email), OR the FROM email address specifically configured for your contribution page or event. Possible causes are:

  • Your SMTP Username or Password are incorrect.
  • Your SMTP Server (machine) name is incorrect.
  • You need to use a Port other than the default port 25 in your environment.
  • Your SMTP server is just not responding right now (it is down for some reason).
  • The FROM Email Address configured for this feature may not be a valid sender based on your email service provider rules.

Adidas orange


Hi Lorna,

Some of the volunteer centres had issues with sending emails during the process of upgrading the email sytem last week. Please do let us know, if you are still experiencing any problems in sending emails from your VBC account.


Julie Adamson
Julie Adamson's picture

Hi Gopi, 


Do you know when this error is likely to be fixed?  We still can't broker using Vbase Cloud.   


Kerry McGrath 

(Rotherham VC) 

Julie Adamson
Julie Adamson's picture

Hi Lorna, 

We got the same error message and we are still experiencing problems, we can't broker using Cloud at the moment.   Gopi, do we have any idea when this will be fixed?  

Many Thanks


Kerry McGrath 

(Rotherham VC) 


Hi Kerry,

The issue in sending emails from your account has been fixed now. Please check


Julie Adamson
Julie Adamson's picture

Hi Gopi, 

Everything appeared to be working again on Friday, but when we've tried to broker this morning, we still can't.  If we select 'request info'   or 'send info' we just get a message saying 'thanks for submitting your information'.  No e-mail templates are generated, for either process.   We've had to revert back to brokering via do-it again today, as we still can't broker using Cloud.  Could someone look into this please?  

Many Thanks

Kerry McGrath

(Rotherham VC) 


Hi Kerry,

Volunteer records need to have a valid email address to carry out Send info & Request info processes. Please do let us know, if you are still having issues on these actions


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