Several have commented on how confusing it can be to try to read a volunteer’s history on the Activities tab. Particularly many instances of “Send info” and “Email” activities. It is clear that some of these seemingly redundant activities are required because of the way that VBC is designed. However it would help if there could be some changes in the naming of the activities to tie together activities that are really related to the same action (eg the 3 activities - Send Opportunity Info Email, Send Info and Email are actually related to the same action (ie Sending information to the volunteer)). It would help if these could be tied together in some way.
It would also help reading the activity list if the activity times were to a resolution of 1 second rather than 1 minute. Then they would at least be in the correct order.
Is there a way that this can be addressed please?
It would be extremely helpful please to have the enhancements commented on above please.
It is just a small thing regarding the 1 second rather than 1 minute in activity but would be really helpful!
I think that the two enhancement requests....
Better differentiate activities
Unique names of activities for last step of send info emails
are essentially the same thing. Certainly should be considered together.