Cannot Opportunity match a specific Opportunity

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Cannot Opportunity match a specific Opportunity

Hope someone can help us.  We have a particular opportunity and we do not seem to be able to apply for it following an opportunity match.

  • We select the volunteer (it seems that any volunteer will show the problem.
  • Then click opportunity match and run the match.
  • Select the particular opportunity
  • Click Apply Now - nothing.  The browser does not indicate anything happening,
  • Try with another opportunity found in the same search - works fine
  • Try with another volunteer and this particular opportunity - same - nothing happens.

So from all my investigations it looks like something to do with the opportunity.  But I have checked and cannot see any fundamental difference between this and other opportunities.

VEDA - if you could manage to try in our environment, the details are....

  • Volunteer = Megan Whitehouse
  • Opportunity = Make a Difference to someone's later years (offered for Juniper House)

Little bit desparate here.


Zoom Lebron XIV 14


I think there may be some sort of problem with opportunities as I have just tried to put someone as placed and after choosing the organisation it will not show the drop down list of opportunities like it used to.


Hi Lorna,

Could you describe the actual steps you took to put someone as placed?



Hi Richard,

Extra character (single quote) in the specific opportunity name was causing the issues and it has been fixed. Please try now ...


rtomalin's picture

Hi Gopi

Thanks for fixing that for us.  Can you let me know where the character was?  I am puzzled because quotes/apostrophes are obviously allowed in Opportunity names because there is still one there.

Fully understanding this will help us to diagnose similar problems in the future.


EDIT... I did find a printout of the opportunity produced beforehand and I can't see any difference in the opp name.


Hi Richard,

It was the 'apostrophe' in the specific opportunity name. We've fixed this now to handle opportunity titles with apostrophe aswell



Hi Gopi

I have e-mailed the details to support



Hi Lorna,

The issue with opportunitieds drop down list has been fixed now. Please check now.



Yes, it seems to be working ok now thanks. :)