New Organisation

Click New >> Organisation menu in the top navigation menu will provide two options

  1. Do-it Organisation
  2. Local Organisation


Do-it Organisation

Fields marked with blue border in this form will be posted to Do-it, all other fields are stored in V-Base only – pressing ‘Save & Continue’ will generate additional fields for you to store in V-Base (these will not be posted to Do-it) – you can customize these fields in Administration.

Local Organisation

This option will allow users to opt out from pushing the organisation details to do-it and create Local organisation on V-Base Cloud.

 All the fields in 'Local Organisation' form will only be stored in V-Base Cloud and the organisation will be available only in V-Base Cloud.


Organisation Details

Organisation Type
Tick the boxes relevant to the Organisation.

Own ID
If you have your own reference number or code for this Organisation, enter it here. 

*Organisation name
The name of the Organisation that it is usually known by.

Logo of the Organisation. Click 'Browse' button to select the image and click 'Upload' button before processing to next field.

*Address Fields
Address of the Organisation

Geographical Area
Predefined set of geographical areas set in the V-Base cloud. Your volunteer centre Admin can add new options to this list. Contact your volunteer centre Admin if you don't find the option available in the list.

*Main Telephone
Main telephone number for the Organisation - not displayed publicly.

Fax number for the Organisation.

Main email address for the Organisation - not displayed publicly.

Website of the Organisation.

Organisation Contact

Details about the main contact in the Organisation who will be managing all the linked Opportunities and will therefore be used in reports, mailings, etc

*First Name

*Last Name

Address details

Contact details


Information to help Volunteers visiting the Organisation, such as nearest tube station or bus routes.  This information is copied to all new Opportunities created in V-Base Cloud.

Organisation Purpose or Mission Statement
Keep it concise and informative!

Activities of Organisation
A brief summary of the major activities undertaken.

Additional Details

*Charity Number
For registered charities, enter the Charity Number.

Policies and Procedures
Select the appropriate status.

Quality Standards and Accreditations
Select the appropriate status.

Select the primary interest of the Organisation.

How Heard
Select the appropriate value from the dropdown list.

Activities of Organisation
A brief summary of the major activities undertaken.

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