Emailing Organisations about applications - advice please [Duplicate]

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volunteeringbh's picture
Emailing Organisations about applications - advice please [Duplicate]


we are completely new to cloud and trialing it at the moment.

It has also been a while since we changed our applications processso that when we received a volunteer application we would send thier details in an email to the recruiting organisation and NOT the volunteer. The volunteer is informed but it is then up to the organisation to follow the contact up. Do it has been terrible for this because it doesnt collect phone numbers and as a result we really like the option to request further info.

This process of contacting the orgs has worked well and we dont want to change it.Vbase cloud seems good but there seems to be no way of editing the my application actions so that you can send the volunteer details to the organisation. It seems to be defaulted to conting the volunteer only. To contact the organisation it looks like we would have to go into the organisation by searching for it separately and emailing them from a different screen. This would be an administrative nightmare as we'd have to work from 2 screens at once cutting and pasting info etc - hardly any different to working with do-it, vbase 2.5, and MS outlook as we do now (which is a pain!).

Is this correct or am i missing something? Also is this a function that any other VCs here need?

Thanks in advance for you help!

Adidas Classic

Hi Thanks for the forum post. I think this is something a few VCs have workarounds for. At the moment there isn't a direct link under actions to send information to the contact organisation. If you could specify a bit on the content of the email you'd expect to send them etc then we can get some feedback from other VC's. If there enough interest we can look to make it happen. Thanks
sue.dunmore's picture

Hi Parez,

We would like to think most of the information that shows up on the Print Summerary page. Preferably for us, in this order:

First & Last Name

Primary Email

Primary phone

Main Address

Privacy (do not " ", communication methods)

Preferred Method(s)



Volunteer Additional Details (would it be possible to make it so that we can pick and choose  for extra information to go in as for example in this section other VC's can select extra parts to go in when they create new fields in the Volunteer Additional Details section through the Administraiton page as I know some have, like we can with the Volunteer Information Form Fields)



Voluntary or past work

Availability Slots

Commitment Type


Type of Driving Licence


Area of Interests


Equality Information

Employment Status


Disability Status


Date of Birth

Age Range

volunteeringbh's picture



Yes we usually send an email with the template below:

We keep the links to the opportunity on do-it and the volunteer profile in the email so the org can see all the details with a mouse click. We find that these generate a good amount of feedback from the the organisations regarding volunteers, do-it, opportunities etc. We also send an email to the applicant letting them know we have sent there details to the organisation and to expect some follow up. We then copy them into the template below. This is a way of introducing the volunteer and organisation and is a way we are trying to address the feedback we have had from both parties using do-it who say that they frequently get no response from one another.

Hope that's useful. This function would be a bit of a 'make or break' situation for us with Vbase cloud.



Dear [Volunteer Co-ordinator]


This email is from Volunteer Centre Brighton and Hove. Your organisation ([Organisation Name]) has asked us to help recruit volunteers on your behalf.


We’ve received an expression of interest via the new Do-it website for the role: [RoleTitle]


What you need to do next:


  1. Please contact the person named below about your volunteering opportunity; it’s your responsibility. Please try to contact them within 7 days of this referral email; as this helps to keep them interested in volunteering for your organisation, even if your email is just to thank them for interest with a view to giving them more information later on.
  2. Even if your opportunities are filled please contact the volunteer to let them know; the biggest complaint we receive is that people do not hear back from the organisation.
  3. Don’t forget to monitor where your enquiries come from - it helps with planning your recruitment process.
  4. Check out our Good Practice Guide for Volunteer managers and co-ordinators.


Volunteer name: [Name]

Volunteer email: [Emai]

Volunteer telephone: [Telephone]

[Copy and paste all the above from 'My applications' on Do-it Recruiter Dashboard]


Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any other questions, we're always glad to help.



[Insert email signature here]


Volunteer Centre Team






We also send the volunteer details to the organisation and would need this functionality - I think you would need to keep it open for VCs to choose which details they want to send to the organsation, but are similar lines to xomment above from Zora.

rtomalin's picture

I would agree with the others that this is something that is needed.

Not sure, but I assume that if Veda creates the functionality to send a template email and log it against the correct objects (Vol, Org and Opp) then the user would be able to modify the text and content of the email by editing the template.

Claire Jones

Me too.  We have a template but being able to link the volunteers to organisations and opportunities without having to add in another activity would be great.

Claire Dewsbury

This would be very useful for is too

vcsheather's picture

I think there is maybe another thread for this? But yes, definitely would like to see some sort of automated template.

rtomalin's picture

Yes, there are one or two threads concerned with this and other issues related to the brokerage process.

it may help if Veda could document their plans for this.

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