Known Issues

Known issues in V-Base Cloud are listed here.

Please ensure you read the article before contacting the helpdesk. If your issue is listed we are aware of this problem and working to resolve it.


Status Issue Type Reported Date Resolved Date Comment
Resolved(fixed) VBase not syncing with Do-it Bug 07/06/2018 12/06/2018 This issue is resolved now and the sync jobs are running without any issues.
Resolved(fixed) Updating Multiple location Opportunities Bug 05/04/2017 20/04/2017

Do-it API requires all the location details to be passed with update request. Location details... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Unable to save opportunities Bug 11/04/2016 21/03/2017

This issue has been reported to Do-it API team and fixed.

Resolved(fixed) Not being able to add new individual prefix option in new volunteer form Bug 18/07/2016 04/08/2016

This has been fixed now and the Title prefix field in the new volunteer form will pick up the... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Duplicate applications for the same opportunity via kiosk mode Bug 19/07/2016 01/08/2016

This has been fixed now to check for existing applications and give warning if the volunteer has... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Send Vol info to org Email Activity not being created Bug 05/07/2016 29/07/2016

This has been fixed now to record Send Voluteer Info to organisation as 'Send Volunteer... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Email template for 'Send Vol info to org' email Feature 14/07/2016 29/07/2016

New Email template has been added for 'Send Volunteer info to organisation' email. 

... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Email subjects not using template subjects Bug 14/07/2016 20/07/2016

This has been fixed now. Subjects from respective message templates will be used as email... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Follow up for local volunteer Applications Bug 11/07/2016 19/07/2016

This has been fixed now and the the Applications made thorugh Opportunity Match will be listed... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Bulk import is available only for volunteers whose record does not exist yet Feature 26/05/2016 02/06/2016

Bulk import option has been enabled for all the unprocessed applications now. (with white &... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Opportunity match cant go back to search Bug 26/05/2016 02/06/2016

This issue has been fixed now. Users will be redirected back to teh opportunity match result... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Handle multiple applications from same volunteer in My Do-it Applications page Bug 08/03/2016 24/05/2016

My Do-it applications page has been enhanced to handle additonal applications from the same... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Send info to organisation picks up organisation's email as To address Bug 20/04/2016 23/05/2016

This issue has been fixed now. Opportunity contact email will be picked up by default. If there... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Apply and Email opportunity info to Volunteers from Match Opportunities page Feature 11/04/2016 12/05/2016

When viewing an opportunity record from 'Match Opportunities' page, you can make an application... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Edit Opportunity From All Live Opportunities page and View Opportunity Page Feature 05/05/2016 12/05/2016

Opportunties can be now edited from All Live opportunites page and individual View opportunity... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Display Opportunity Status while adding activity record Feature 20/04/2016 21/04/2016

Status of each opportunity has been included in the information shown along with different... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Organistion Report missing data on last day of month Bug 20/04/2016 20/04/2016

Date filter wasn't considering the timestamp of created dates and it has been fixed now.

... Read more
Resolved(fixed) Unchecked Opportunity sections still appear in the email template Bug 20/04/2016 20/04/2016

The issue with 'Send Info Opportunity Content' setting has been fixed. Time stamp on the posted/... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Option to delete custom reports Feature 30/03/2016 04/04/2016

Reports can be deleted by admin users now. 

... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Report of organisations with number of opportunities Feature 31/03/2016 04/04/2016

Number of all, live, draft and expired opportunities have been added to organisation reports... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Unable to change the contact details for organisations Bug 09/03/2016 17/03/2016

Email address was not getting updated when edit and save organisation details. This issue has... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Activity report results are coming back with other Tags included Bug 21/01/2016 17/03/2016 Report result has been fixed by limiting only 'Target contacts' in the report
Resolved(fixed) Search topics in the forum Feature 30/11/2015 10/03/2016

Users can search forum discussion and topics now on forum

... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Navigate back to the page you were on after request Info or Send Info action on My Do-it Applications page Bug 25/11/2015 09/03/2016

Will be redirected to go back to the page you were on on completion of  request information or... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Kiosk Mode for Walk-in Volunteers Feature 01/03/2016 09/03/2016

Volunteer Centre staffs will be able to setup a password for Kiosk Mode in ... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Ability to view related activities of an oppotunity Feature 11/01/2016 09/03/2016

A button has been added on top right hand corner in View opportunity page to view related... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Edit Send Info email template Feature 04/03/2016 09/03/2016

Users will be able to select all the opportunity sections to be included in the Send Info &... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Manage Local Applications Feature 02/03/2016 09/03/2016

All the applications made via Kiosk Mode can be accessed and managed in Applications... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Matching an opportunity to a volunteer Bug 07/03/2016 09/03/2016

 Operator have been changed to OR between 'skills', 'activities' and 'areas of interest' filters... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Clicking on Opportunities takes users to "Event Income Details" Bug 01/03/2016 03/03/2016

Each opportunity on 'Opportunity Report' has been linked to relevant details page now.

Resolved(fixed) Adding fields to display columns option on activity reports Feature 19/02/2016 03/03/2016

More fields including gender, age range, nationality, ethnicity and disability status have been... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Asking for a postcode when no fixed address on opportunity edit page Bug 24/02/2016 29/02/2016

Issue has been fixed now. Able to save opportunities with Regional location type.

Resolved(fixed) Create Local Opportunities on V-Base Cloud Feature 15/02/2016 26/02/2016

Click New >> Opportunity menu in the top navigation menu to go to 'New... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Create Local Organisations on V-Base Cloud Feature 15/02/2016 26/02/2016

Click New >> Organisation menu in the top navigation menu will provide... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Create activities for bounced emails Feature 20/01/2016 18/02/2016

Email addresses will be marked as 'On Hold' and 'Email Bounce' activity will be created against... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Unable to display gender in volunteer reports Feature 18/02/2016 18/02/2016

'Gender' field has been added to Display Columns in Volunteer report.

... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Unable to save opportunities Bug 08/02/2016 08/02/2016

Issue has been reported to do-it and fixed.

Resolved(fixed) Ability to delete opportunities in V-Base Feature 29/09/2015 03/02/2016

When viewing an opportunity which has already been deleted on do-it, pop up window will appear... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Opportunity doesn't save Bug 20/01/2016 02/02/2016

Required postcode as a mandatory field if we select 'Fixed Location' as location type caused... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Record an activity for Initial application import Feature 13/01/2016 29/01/2016

When a volunteer is import 'Applied for Opportunity - <oportunity name>' activity will be... Read more

Resolved(fixed) AJAX HTTP error alert while changing the location type to region Bug 27/01/2016 29/01/2016

This was caused by an AJAX error while fetching Regions list from api and it has been fixed now... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Opportunity details missing fields Feature 20/01/2016 22/01/2016

'What are you looking for?' & 'Practical Considerations' have been added under 'About the... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Can't save opportunities Bug 12/01/2016 15/01/2016

Do-it have corrected the issues at there end and things should working.

Resolved(fixed) Simple report that automatically flags up Opportunities that are over 3 months old and requests renewal Feature 12/12/2015 15/01/2016

‘Opportunity for Renewal’ page created under 'Reports' menu where the VCs can see the... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Print Bulk Opportunities from 'Search Live Opportunities' Page Feature 11/01/2016 14/01/2016

Multiple opportunities can be now selected and printed from the 'Search Live Opportunities' page... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Ability to search volunteers by time availability Feature 10/01/2016 13/01/2016

"By Availability" filter criteria added to Search Volunteer section

... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Privacy setting on notes not working properly Bug 07/01/2016 13/01/2016

This issue has been fixed now so that the notes with privacy can be viewed only by Author.

... Read more
Resolved(fixed) Remove “Apply To” fields from "Send Info" and "Printouts" Feature 10/01/2016 12/01/2016

“Apply To” section removed from "Send Info" and "Printouts".

... Read more
Resolved(fixed) Add Pager at both top and bottom of screen to save scrolling Feature 11/01/2016 11/01/2016 Pager added at both top and bottom of screen.
Resolved(fixed) The Opportunity Match function doesn't seem to be working Bug 16/12/2015 22/12/2015

There is an issue on filtering opportunities and we working on it now to make filters provide... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Prefilled Opportunity location when adding a new opportunity Feature 05/08/2015 22/12/2015

'New Oppotunity' form has been enhanced now to prefill opportunity location with organisation's... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Editing opportunities directly from the organisation screen Feature 17/12/2015 21/12/2015

Opportunities can be now edited directly from within 'Opportunities' tab in Organisation summary... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Custom fields don't show up in the New Volunteers form Bug 08/07/2015 18/12/2015

New custom fields, that are not already included in the new-volunteer form, has been added in... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Search of Volunteers by Tag Bug 17/12/2015 17/12/2015

Users can now be able to filter their search result by 'Volunteer Tag' on search Volunteers page... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Inability to search for do-it applications Bug 08/12/2015 14/12/2015 Do-it API was not returning applications created after a specific date in search results. Issue has... Read more
Resolved(fixed) Unable attach files in the forum posts Bug 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 User can upload files (txt jpg png pdf doc docx) now on forum post.
Resolved(fixed) Copy function for opportunities Feature 06/08/2015 07/12/2015 Opportunity can be copied and duplicated.
Resolved(fixed) Email bounces, if aol, yahoo domains saved as sending email. Bug 03/12/2015 07/12/2015 Alert will be displayed to the user when trying to save aol or yahoo email addresses.
Resolved(fixed) One page print summary for opportunities Bug 27/11/2015 07/12/2015

Opportunity summary can be now printed to PDF using 'Print Summary - PDF' button on view... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Validation errors not visible during Inline Edit Bug 03/12/2015 04/12/2015 The width of the Volunteer Additional details section and other custom fields sections is increased... Read more
Resolved(fixed) Network Error. Unable to reach server when using www in front of domain names Bug 03/12/2015 04/12/2015 Issue caused by redirect URL while using and it... Read more
Resolved(fixed) Adding the organisation name into the drop down list of opportunities Feature 02/12/2015 04/12/2015

Organisation name has been added into the drop down list for each opportunity while referring a... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Gender Filter option for Volunteers Feature 02/12/2015 02/12/2015 'Gender' filter has been added to Volunteers report.
Resolved(fixed) Emails from My Do-it Applications not being delivered Bug 02/12/2015 02/12/2015 Further to our previous amendment, which fixed emails in certain situations, we've now rolled out a... Read more
Resolved(won't fix) Opportunities not being saved as drafts Bug 17/11/2015 02/12/2015 To update an 'expired' opportunity and save it as Draft, the status need to be set as 'Draft' and... Read more
Resolved(fixed) Tags Filter options for Volunteers & Organisations report Feature 02/12/2015 02/12/2015

'Tag' & 'Group' Filter options have been added now for Organisations report & Volunteers... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Emails not being delivered Bug 18/09/2015 30/11/2015 We're pleased to announce that an alternative mechanism to send emails has been put in place. We're... Read more
Resolved(won't fix) Bio Information Bug 26/11/2015 30/11/2015 This is not a bug. This is a limitation in Do-It API. Do-It API provides only limited information... Read more
Resolved(fixed) Option to Refer a volunteer for opportunity and creating activity Feature 26/11/2015 27/11/2015

Opportunities can be referred individually for volunteers by using 'Actions'->'Refer... Read more

Resolved(fixed) Track Forum activities via email notifications Feature 26/11/2015 27/11/2015 Users can set up email notifications by navigating to "My Account-> Notification settings" and... Read more
Resolved(fixed) Some changes not going back to vbase cloud Bug 14/05/2015 10/11/2015 VCs can now add to the list of ethnicities, but not edit/delete the reserved (sync'ed) ones.
Resolved(fixed) Volunteer Import Status Feature 21/10/2015 21/10/2015 Volunteers who have been imported are shown with a green background making it easy to see who has... Read more
Resolved(fixed) Volunteer Bulk Import Feature 21/10/2015 21/10/2015 You can now select multiple volunteers and import them by using the Import button above the display... Read more
Resolved(fixed) unable to access subsequent pages of organisation and opportunities Bug 21/10/2015 21/10/2015 bug preventing the display of second and subsequent pages of opportunities when viewing an... Read more
Resolved(fixed) Add organisation form not matching with fields in DoIt Bug 26/06/2015 18/09/2015 Fields for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Description added to the form. Also Website and Contact... Read more
Resolved(fixed) Saving multiple volunteers with same email address Feature 26/01/2016

New duplicate rule, allow multiple contacts with same email.