Data Ownership

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Volunteering Me...
Volunteering Mendip and Sedgemoor's picture
Data Ownership

We are going to have a new volunteering database. Can I migrate our data from VBase Cloud to the new database or do we not in fact "own" the data on VBase Cloud and therefore not allowed to migrate it over? Thanks




You could export all your data as CSV files using the 'Export to CSV' button on reports page.


Claire Dewsbury


We are trialling this however, however have been able to pull off descriptions for orgs or opps as can't see this as an option on the report.  How can we pull this data off?

Many thanks

rtomalin's picture

Good question.  We do need these fields if we want to extract our data our of V-Base Cloud.



Just to jump in - on Do-it you can export this from the recruiter dashboard, getting all the fields that would pull into Do-it from the V-Base platform. If you're looking for a more particular data export and not seeing what you'd like from the Do-it export, if you contact with 'FAO Barnie' in the subject, I can look into what we can pull off our database.


Claire Dewsbury


Is there any update on how we can export descriptions for organisations and opportunities please?  I know I can do this via do-it but I want to extract all information from VBASE Cloud and from Gopi's comment above it sounds like I can do this.

Many thanks


Hi Gopi is there any way we can access the descriptions from VBC?

Thanks Reena


Hi everyone,

Description field is not available yet on reports. The only way to pull off opportunity description is using the 'Print Summary - PDF'  button (Appears when the checkbox against an opportunity is ticked) on 'Search Live Opportunities' page. 
