Multiple locations

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Multiple locations

I am hearing that we now have a multiple locations feature for opportunities. Is this feature only on the Do-it website as there is nothing on the Cloud to give me this option?

As quite a few of us use V-base cloud to input our opportunities, it is not much use just being on do-it. I very rarely go on do-it as i input everything into the cloud.

Does this mean i will have to enter the opportunity on the cloud, then go on do-it to add the multiple locations?


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Hi Janette

You are correct.  This feature is currently only available in Do-it.  ivo has updated the API to support the feature and it is now with VEDA to work out how and when (and if) they will add the feature to VBC.

We share your frustration because we are keen to use multiple locations, but do not like using Do-it.

One thing to note is that if you add multiple locations to an opportunity (in Do-it) and then edit the opp at all in VBC, the multiple locations will be deleted.

We need to wait for input from VEDA on this.



Thanks for the information Richard.  I have just seen it mentioned a few times and thought i had missed something.  

We don't seem to have had the problem fixed for asking for a valid postcode when you edit an opportunity and it is regional.  This has been going on since April and is very time consuming and frustrating.  Do you know what is happening with it please?
