Should opps deleted in Do-it be removed from VBC?

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rtomalin's picture
Should opps deleted in Do-it be removed from VBC?

I have been doing some testing this afternoon and have done the following....

  • In Do-it
  • Created new opp. (existing Org)
  • In VBC
  • Appears in VBC
  • In Do-it
  • Apply for the opportunity
  • In VBC
  • Appears in My Applications
  • Log some activities
  • In Do-it
  • Delete the opp
  • Disappears from Do-it
  • In VBC
  • Still shows in VBC after 30 minutes


  • Should I expect the opp to be removed from VBC?
  • How long should that take?
  • The creation from VBC to Do-it was pretty much instant.
  • Is the Do-it to VBC a batch process?


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Hi Richard,

Do-it to VBC sync is a batch process and the time it takes depends on the number of opportunities in your account. However, opportunities deleted in Do-it can be removed from VBC instantly by visiting the opportunity view page of the specific opportunity. A dialog box, with the option to delete the opportunity from VBC, will appear , if the opportunity is deleted in Do-it.


rtomalin's picture

Hi Gopi

Right - I see that.  It will be usefull to know that - thanks.

However, to get back to the batch job.  When does it actually run?  I deleted the opp in Do-it 24 hours ago and it is still sitting in VBC.

Also, is it a single batch job that seeks to update all objects in VBC at the same time - based on Do-it status?
