Report Criteria

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sue.dunmore's picture
Report Criteria

It would be handy if we were also able to select the Gender, DOB & Age for reporting. As we report on gender and it would also help us in checking that those who have the age section filled out also have an age range marked against them.

Kind regards,

Kirstie Reeve



I have found a sort of way round this and that is to add categories such as gender to the volunteers additional details categories. You can make them have drop down lists of your own choice and all these choices should be able to be reported on if you tick that box. You can report on any additional details you like by doing this. If you need help on this please e-mail or phone 01872 266988.

sue.dunmore's picture

Thank you Lorna! 

Have had a think on this however I don't want to have to spend the time inputting all this information in the addiontional formatting section if they do manage to add demographics to the reporting section. Perhaps shall see if this is done closer to the end of quarter for reporting, if not shall resort to this.


There are some wider discussions on reporting that I feel need to be included in this sort of request. Its better if we can cure the reports in one revision rather than having to constantly update them and would appreciate if we could future proof them to an extent.
Claire Jones

I'm used to using Civi as a tool as we use it for the CVS function so understand how to pull out the specific information needed for a quarterly return.  We're just in the process of completing our monitoring and I've been able to filter the figures around disability, ethnicity, age range, gender, etc from the additional information we ask volunteers to complete.  It helped that we made some of the fields mandatory to complete particularly those that we require for monitoring purposes.  I've also been able to list total activities, like interviews, do-it applications, referrals to organisations, numbers of emails, telephone calls, etc.


Hi Claire

Thats great. Perhaps you could share some tips/tricks with the others so that they're able to also carry out these tasks. Reporting is always something that needs some insight into how to get the core data, having used CiviCRM in the past you'll have a good basis for passing that knowledge on!


Graham from Lin...

I too am setting up some quarterly returns. We report on gender, age, ethnicity and disability status. The last three are additional details and are fine. Gender is held on the main table and as far as I can see you can filter on gender but not actually report on it. I know you can set up an additional details field called gender and report on it but having two fields for the same thing is likely to cause mayhem. Has anyone else found this and is there a good solution.


rtomalin's picture

I think I raised this issue with being able to filter on gender but not report on it in another thread.  Seems like something that should be addressed and wouldn't be too difficult?