Automatically Generated Email to Volunteer [Resolved]

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Kim Beadle
Automatically Generated Email to Volunteer [Resolved]

Hi Parvez


On a few of the posts I have put onto the Forum you have asked me to supply screen shots, but I have tried various ways to copy these onto the forum page without success.  Eventually I created a word document (with the screenshot) hoping to attach it, but there does not appear to be an option for attaching documents in the forum post.


The new query that I have is that:  when you wish to CC someone onto an automatically generated email, it will only let you do this if the email address is already in the system.




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Hi Kim, Yes, we'll try and get the attachments fixed so that your able to attach media.

With regards to the CC question, yes V-Base cloud records all interactions made against contacts. Even if you cc someone in VBC needs to have a contact record for that email address.

Hope that makes sense?
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