Do-it's dreaded Placed/Unplaced emails

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rtomalin's picture
Do-it's dreaded Placed/Unplaced emails

Just to ask what folks who are using VBC are doing about this.  Do you use the Placed and Not placed actions, and put up with the unfriendly and fixed Do-it emails, or do you have an alternative?

At the Milton Keynes VBC meeting Do-it/ivo did mention that they were considering putting in facilities to modify and/or suppress these emails, but I have not heard anything since - despite asking in the Do-it forum.

I really don't like the idea of volunteers being sent messages that we have no control over.  However, it looks like we really need to use the VBC actions to record the whole business process flow.

New Arrivals

rtomalin's picture

Do-it are still saying that they are working on this.  VEDA - do you have an alternative way in with ivo to get a status on this.

They obviously don't regard this as important, but it's probably the most important thing for us (and I suspect many VC's) at the moment.
