Opportunities unable to open [Resolved]

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Opportunities unable to open [Resolved]

I have to do yearly reports shortly and decided to try and clean up v-base cloud a bit in order to make the reports simple with accurate results. My first operation however seems to have drawn a blank - literally. I do not seem to be able to open an opportunity either by searching under opps or by going into the org and trying to open from there, all I get is a white screen. Is this just me or are other people experiencing this? The only way I can see the opportunity is by clicking on edit and I can then see the details. Please can someone sort this out ASAP?

New Arrivals crimson


Hi Lorna i had this same problem a few months ago i  had to change from internet Exploror to Mozilla firefox and have had no problems since doing this hope this helps :)


Problem solved. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Tried it in Chrome instead of internet explorer and it works fine!

rtomalin's picture

Yes - I tried on Chrome as well and it's fine.  In fact I have stopped using IE now because of these problems.  Maybe VEDA could clarify if they aim to support IE 11 though.

Claire Jones

Hi All

We'be been using Civi crm systems here for our CVS work before VBase cloud and know there is a general issue with internet explorer and civi, so not necessarily something that VEDA can incorporate.  we've alwasy been encouraged to use firefox or chrome as browsers.  



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