Turning draft opportunities live [Resolved]

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Julie Adamson
Julie Adamson's picture
Turning draft opportunities live [Resolved]


We've recently started using Vbase Cloud and are undertaking a tidying up exercise of our volunteer roles.  When they have expired in the past, on do-it, we have turned them draft until we know whether we need to continue to promote them.   Many of them now need to go live again, but when we make changes on vbase cloud, like re-opening them, extending the advertising dates etc, they are not changing on the do-it site, they are still in draft.   


Can anyone advise please?  


We are having to make the changes on do-it at the moment, but woudl rather stick to using vbase cloud for any changes/ amendments.  

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Hi Julie,

Extending the advertising dates will remove only the 'Expired' status of the opportunity. If you would like to change an opportunity from Draft to Live, Opportunity Status under  'Opportunity Details' section needs to be updated from Draft to Live. Hope that helps...


Julie Adamson
Julie Adamson's picture



Thank you




Im having the opposite problem im trying to turn expired opportunities into draft incase the opportunity becomes available at a later date and it wont let me any ideas please


Thank you


Hi Tracey,

Opportunities with past end date gets flagged as 'Expired Opportunity' by Do-it api. Valid future end date is needed for Live & Draft Opportunities. Please change the end date and status to Draft. Hope that helps


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