Opportunity status - not picking up 'drafts'

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Jen Volunteer Now
Opportunity status - not picking up 'drafts'

When I search my opportunities and bring up a list of expired opportunities, it also shows all the ones that are set as 'drafts' on do-it. I then have to physically edit each opportunity and change the status to draft to remove it from this list. Can this be changed so that the opportunity status is automatically picked up from do-it so that we have an accurate list of draft and expired but still active opportunities.

Thank you. 

Nike Series custom


I agree wholeheartedly. Not currently using the cloud much for orgs or opps as I cannot guarantee the accuracy.

Jen Volunteer Now

It's very frustrating. I have tried to manually edit opportunities to give them draft status but this doesn't seem to have saved as the next time I log on the opportunties appear in the expired list again and when I look their opportunity status has reverted to live. Like you say, this is making it very hard to get an accurate list of opportunities. 

I have emailed help@vbase but have had no response so far...

Maureen Davis

On  VBC I can set the search with the status drop down as any, live, draft or expired. Even if we have made an opp into a draft we usually make sure it still has a live advertising end date/one that links with the next time we plan to review data with that org.

If a draft  passes its "sell by" date it does show up as expired  (showing that that opp does need reviewing perhaps) but we always put zinactive in front of a draft opportunity to indicate that is no longer live because we have deliberately made it inactive  rather than it is no longer live because it has expired by accident. We started doing that on the old Vbase, not quite sure why but I think it was something to do with seeing quickly which opps were currently not to be offered  to volunteers without checking dates or upload to do it tick boxes?