Volunteers with same name or address [Duplicate]

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Kim Beadle
Volunteers with same name or address [Duplicate]

Two examples where volunteer details are overwritten:

Mother and daughter - we spent a long time importing the details of a volunteer from our old system onto VBC.  Having completed the first entry, on entering her daugther with the same surname and address the mother's details were over-written.

Three volunteers from a local school have completed a registration form and sent it back to us.  They have used their school address rather than their home address, again having entered the first with with all the skills , on attempting the second pupil, the details of the first is completely over-written and they just vanish from VBC.

How can we overcome this please


Air Jordan I High

rtomalin's picture

Oh dear - big problem.  Is this an issue with VBC, Do-it or both?

vcsheather's picture

Well this is interesting because I noticed yesterday that I personally have 3 records on the system, each with identical details. I wonder if something has been changed?


Hi All

Nothings changed from VBC side. VBC allows many contacts with the same details without issue, it wont overwite by default.

We also monitor the outbound emails and the subsequent update emails, everything is looking correct to us. If it was an issue we would have heard about it before.

If you are feeling details are overwitten in VBC please do provide as much information as possible - note that all actions in VBC are audtied so if you able to provide contact names etc we can see what details have been amended, when and by who.



Hi Kim, we logged into both VBC accounts your connected with but we cant see any contact details that seem to represent this loss/overwite of informaiton.

Can you provide us with specific details so that we can take a closer look. You can do this via the support email address if data protection is a factor.


Hi Kim, 

We have modified the duplication rule now, made it possible to create multiple volunteers with same email address. However, please note that First name, Last Name and  Email address will be used to determine duplicate entries. If all three are identical, previous record will be overwritten.



PS : Duplicate thread :- https://v-base.org/node/236

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