Opportunity status "Deactivated"

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Opportunity status "Deactivated"

Please could we have a new opportunity status for 'Deactivated'? It would also be really helpful if this automatically created an activity against the organsiation record which had the name of the role in the subject.

NIKE metallic silver

Claire Dewsbury

this would be really helpful

Kate McGibbon

I am currently tasked to either renew or deactivate opportunities.  At the moment I have to write in the title *currently not recruiting* and put the opportunity into draft status. If all details are not completed, I am then not allowed to save without filling every field in, even though this is pointless.

It would be really helpful if there was an option to 'deactive' opportunities by way of another icon next to the list of opportunties for each organisation.

Thanks Kate


Hi everyone,

Opportunities can be deactivated now in VBC. Please refer the ' Deactivate / activate opportunity ' user guide for more details.


